Sue Biely: Facilitator, Process Designer & Cultural Innovator
Facilitators make it easier for groups of people to work together and accomplish their collective goals. A good group facilitator helps all participants focus and contribute to the work being done. Sue’s facilitation does this in a lively and fun way that also is highly effective at holding groups accountable. She is especially drawn to situations and people who are on the edge of an evolution, where she can encourage and support experimentation to help organizations learn faster and take risks.
Process design looks at how a group gets done what it needs to do. It’s about designing techniques that bring out the best in everyone. Sue’s approach includes paying attention to details like learning styles, team dynamics, decision making, accountability, inclusion of introverts and extroverts, conflict resolution, churn and team members’ level of satisfaction. All of these elements and more inform her analysis and suggestions of ‘how’ to get work done in a way that maximizes available resources.
Culture is a driving force in society. Sue has an extensive background in the culture sector and sees it as a powerful leverage point for creating a healthier and more engaged public. She is especially excited to apply her skills where new combinations and expressions of culture emerge. Experiments and innovations in cultural content, policy, business models and partnerships hold great potential for cultural creatives to impact society. Sue is always ready to support this important and dynamic work.
“Sue is one of the most creative, dynamic, fearless facilitators and coaches. She creates transformative experiences for groups that have fun, learning, and creative tension in the right amounts. She goes the extra mile - or hundreds of miles - to enable great work.”
READ more testimonials from people who have worked with Sue and Nudge Consulting.
LEARN MORE about Nudge Consulting and Sue Biely, our past work & clients, testimonials and Sue’s interesting projects and volunteer work or CONTACT Sue to find out how she can help your organization work and evolve more efficiently and creatively.